Sean McLaughlin, advertising, copywriter, portfolio, The Richards Group, Square One, JWT, Anomaly, ECD, Domino's, Virgin America, Jawbone, L.L. Bean, Smirnoff, Rolex, Jawbone, resume, television, New York, copy writer, lugree,

This is the site of Sean McLaughlin, advertising copywriter. It is called For no particular reason, that. It just is. Much like me being called Sean McLaughlin in the first place. onely it's one word instead of two, and have very few letters in common. But, yeah, I'm an advertising copywriter. This is some of the stuff I have written.

file under: sean mclaughlin, advertising copywriter. yet, somehow, that doesn't quite say enough. for what lies within are tales of excitement! tales of wonder! tales of woe! (spoiler alert: it's mostly woe.) what it is, for certain, no one can really say, except to say that it is, indeed, the advertsing portfolio of the sean mclaughlin. somehow, though, it is far less definitive than it sounds. it's weird. like those fish that are supposed to be fish, but are actually mammals because they have hair. i think. could be i'm just thinking of sleestax.

admission: $10.00 general, $8.50 seniors.